Kambó is a natural medicine that directly impacts the body, supporting health on an integral level and cleaning the organs of toxins.
The kambó is a natural and very effective therapy, which has been used for thousands of years by the tropical rainforest tribe of the western north, including Peru, Brazil, and Colombia. The natives rubbed the frogs back through the body to strengthen themselves and thus be able to hunt avoiding being affected by bugs and snakes. On the other hand, they used it to promote health, strength, well-being and also to eliminate bad luck.
According to what is known, the Kambó has been used in up to 53 tribes of the Amazon, but today there are only a few who use it, such as the Matsés, Yawanawá, Katukina, and Apurina. The Kambó is also referred to as Kampu, Campu, Chambó, Toad Vicino da Floresta or "Giant Monkey Frog".
The remedy is the secretion (in the form of cream) that produces, as a defense system, this tree frog scientifically known as Phyllomedusa Bicolor. This secretion is extracted from his back, without causing any damage to this beautiful frog. This amphibian has no natural predators, so the idea that when applied kambó would absorb energy the fear and stress of the frog would not make sense. The frog, after sharing this secretion with the healers, is returned again to its daily life in the natural environment (between branches and vines of ayahuasca).
The Kambó collected is applied under the first layer of the skin, after making small superficial burns, which are made millimetrically with a very thin stick, to quickly act and circulate throughout the body. The kambó immediately flows through the lymphatic system generating the activation of all the systems of the body, and at the same time, a strong purge and total cleaning that lasts approximately 15 minutes
It's components:
Scientifically it is known that Kambó has at least 9 potent bioactive peptides:
Scientific research on the secretion of this frog began in the 1980s, by Italian scientist Vittorio Erspamer of the University of Rome, who was twice a candidate for the Nobel Prize. This research reported that the secretion contains a "fantastic chemical cocktail, with possible medical applications, not matched by any other animal, in nature" (1), "among these peptides found in the Kambó, about 7% are bio-actives "(1). These bind to receptors located in the brain, causing chemical reactions in the human body. So far, researchers have found nine bioactive peptides, which have a potent effect on gastrointestinal muscles, gastric and pancreatic secretions, blood circulation, stimulation of the adrenal cortex and various glands. It strongly affects the intestines which contribute to the deep purge.
Phylokinin and philomedusine are potent spleen dilators, which increases the permeability of the blood barrier of the brain, this facilitates the access of these two peptides to the brain as well as the active peptides. Cerulein causes a drop in blood pressure accompanied by tachycardia, which also stimulates the adrenal cortex and the pituitary gland, increasing sensory perception and physical resistance. These peptides have a strong analgesic power, increase physical strength and generally improve the ability to withstand pain and stressful situations. They have a medicinal potential that facilitates digestion and analgesic effects have been demonstrated for those who suffer from renal colic, pain caused by peripheral vascular insufficiency and carcinogenic pain. On the other hand, diamorphine and etorphine are potent opioid peptides, 4,000 times more potent than morphine itself and 40 times stronger than endogenous type B endorphins.
Kambó is medicine:
The properties of Kambó peptides cover a wide range of possible medical uses in the treatment of brain diseases such as the aforementioned Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, paralysis, depression, migraines, blood circulation problems, vascular insufficiency, organ diseases, problems of skin and eyes, fertility problems in women and men, AIDS, hepatitis and cancer.
Other interesting medical features of this secretion are its anti-inflammatory effects, its ability to destroy microbes and viruses and to heal infections. Due to the presence of these peptides, Kambo is one of the strongest natural antibiotics and anesthetics found in the world and one of the strongest natural means, in addition, to strongly awakening and boosting our immune system.
Kambó is called:
Kambó Master Monkey Frog, Kampu, Campu, Chambó, Toad Vacino da Floresta and Frog Monkey Giant