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 21 Capsules of 250 milligrams = $1,600 pesos
Includes: Bottle with child-proof safety lid, contains 21 capsules of 250 milligrams each.
Delivery time, 24 to 48 hours in Playas de Tijuana, parcel shipments are not made in Mexico or International.

 31 Capsules of 250 milligrams = $2,000 pesos
Includes: Bottle with child-proof safety lid, contains 31 capsules of 250 milligrams each.
​Delivery time, 24 to 48 hours in Playas de Tijuana, parcel shipments are not made in Mexico or International.


Microdoses of Niño Santos Mushrooms, accompanied by therapeutic support and guidance, will give us greater clarity regarding our processes and emotions, expanding love, empowerment and unity.

These doses act subtly on a daily basis without altering perception, but exerting lasting changes in people's psyche. Administered in this way, these capsules manage to generate a state of being where cognitive functions and emotional balance improve, in turn increasing creativity, performance and concentration during an activity or task to be performed. Additionally, it grants an increase in psychic abilities, sharpening spiritual perception.

Microdosing does not produce any alterations in perception, such as visual or fractal hallucinations.

They have been shown to be effective in combating depression, post-traumatic stress, anxiety, addictions, grieving processes, insomnia and other anomalies. It also shows good results when treating behavioral disorders, personality problems and existential conflicts typical of human development. It has neuroprotective and neurogenerative properties.

People who take microdoses of Niño Santos Mushrooms remain adapted and integrated into their social, work and family environment, contributing to their personal and spiritual growth.

The microdoses of Holy Children Mushrooms contain psilocybin (also known as 4-PO-DMT or 4-phosphoryloxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine) is a prodrug alkaloid of the classic hallucinogenic compound: psilocin, responsible for the psychoactive effect of certain edible mushrooms. Both substances are members of the indole and tryptamine classes. Psilocybin mushrooms are traditionally used for spiritual and healing purposes, with a history spanning millennia.


Comparison: Ceremonial intake and microdosing.

Take in ceremony: Minimum of 1.5 grams to a maximum of 6 grams.

Microdose treatment per day: 1 capsule of 250 milligrams.


The microdose treatment is carried out after a prior evaluative interview with Gabriel Mijares or Abigail Esquivel, facilitators at Ayahuasca Aventura, or with endorsed professionals and members of our team.

If the person is under pharmacological treatment or has a diagnosed medical condition, the case will be evaluated, avoiding contraindications due to the interaction with the components present in the capsule. People with complex psychiatric illnesses, such as schizophrenia or borderline personality disorder, are excluded.

In case of other pathologies, consult about your particular case.


The dosage can be indicated for periods of 21 days to 31 days, always accompanied by monitoring and guidance.

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